Meet Mary

Pull up a chair and come sit on my virtual front porch for a while.
I love front porches, the big wrap around kind where friends and family can sit and enjoy cool lemonade on a hot summer’s day, while the kids play in the front yard. I had visions of those moments while I was growing up in South Chicago, where there were no front porches, only front stoops. During the summer months, the parents would sit out on those stoops, sucking down beers while they watched their kids play on the cracked sidewalks. Ah, those were the days!
I still don’t have a front porch, and my kids are grown, and I never did like beer. I’m more of a wine girl. Prosecco seems to be my wine of choice these days. And I love shoes. Just yesterday, while I was ripping through my closet trying to find something to wear, I came across three pairs of heels I have yet to step into. What? How can that be? Plus one ball gown, two dresses, a pair of dress pants and two tops that still have price tags. My husband says it’s because I write too much. My friends say it’s because I don’t go out enough, and my cat says . . . oh wait. She doesn’t actually talk, but if she could, she would say it’s because I plan to attend an event and then something dreadful happens. I fall and crack a rib or I come down with a cold or my personal favorite, I end up in the emergency room with a moving kidney stone . . . that was the ball gown event. *Sigh!
Oh, but you wanted to hear about my writing. Well, let me just say how I love everything about writing, and I especially love that I made the USA Today Bestsellers list thanks to my absolutely wonderful readers! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I write in an assortment of genres: from cowboys to romantic comedy, to cozy mysteries, and very dark suspense. I would like to try women’s historical fiction one of these days, but alas, I think I might need my wrap-around porch for that one.